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Thanhga Com 
Вступила 4 месяца назад
О пользователе
Thanhga la nguon tai lieu phong phu ve nuoi ga choi, cung cap nhung kien thuc can thiet tu viec chon giong, cham soc, den ky thuat huan luyen. Trang web nay khong chi cung cap thong tin co ban ma con chuyen sau sau vao cac phuong phap nang cao de ban co the dat duoc ket qua toi uu. Voi cac bai viet chi tiet va huong dan cu the, Thanhga.com giup ban hieu ro cac yeu to anh huong den suc khoe va hieu suat cua ga choi. Day la noi ly tuong de ban tim kiem thong tin va kinh nghiem quy bau trong viec cham soc va phat trien ga choi.
Website: https://thanhga.com/
Dia chi: 171 D. Vo Thi Sau, Phuong 6, Quan 3, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
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